HackOn 2.0

8298 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 4
8298 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 4

Winners are announced.

Project Submission Phase
starts on:
May 28, 2021, 06:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 30, 2021, 07:00 AM UTC (UTC)



- What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an invention marathon where you can work with people around the globe to build a project related to technology! It isn't about hacking into a system, it's instead about hacking something together and learning a great deal in the process.

- What is an online hackathon?

It's an invention marathon like the traditional in-person hackathon, but held remotely!

- How long will it be on for?

The event will be running from 28th May to 20th May 2021.

- Who can participate?

Everyone is welcome to participate, be it, students, professionals or aliens from different Planet!

- How big can a team be?

You can form teams of 2 to 4 people. Most teams aim to have a mix of people with both design and developer skills. Remember we won't accept project submissions from individual applicants.

- How will project submissions work?

To participate, register on HackerEarth's platform. You will then be able to create your project once the hackathon starts. To be eligible for the judging process you'll have to submit the project before the hackathon ends.

- How will judging work?

We'll be reviewing submissions on HackerEarth, and it will be judged by our team and judges mentioned on the page.

- Do I need to be a student?

Absolutely not! The team behind HackOn is mostly made up of students, however, anyone age 13 and above can give it a go!

- How much does it cost?

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Admission to HackOn is completely free, thanks to our sponsors!

- Where can I find updates?

We have an active Discord for communication

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